Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Truffles that look like cupcakes!

1 box of Oreos Or Nutter Butters
1 block or cream cheese
Candie Melts or Chocolate
Place Oreos or Nutter Butters into food processor 
(If you don't have one, you can use a meat tenderizer and a ziploc bag to crush until you have crumbs)
Place room temperature cream cheese and cookie "crumbs" into a mixing bowl
Blend using your hands until you have one big "truffle" (At this point you won't see the cream cheese)
Shape into preferred shape ( I used balls) and refrigerate
*You can't see in the picture but these have chocolate bottoms*
For the bottoms you will need a candy melt tray (they are the ones shaped like the bottom of a peanut butter cup)
Place your melted chocolate in the mold about 1/4 of the way full. 
Place your "truffle" in the melted chocolate
freeze for 10 -15 minutes
At this point melt your candy melts or chocolate ( I like the candy melts as the come in assorted flavors)
Now you're ready to dip the tops!
This is the fun part!
If you have trouble dipping, I have used a tiny spoon to place the candy melt or chocolate on the truffle. *I think that also makes it look more like frosting.* 
Once you're done with the tops, decorate with M&M's and sprinkles!
Chill and Enjoy!


  1. These are adorable!! Can we have a cupcake/truffle making party where you show me all your tricks? :)

  2. Of course! That would be fun!
