Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Ice cream Cone Cupcakes!

Ingredients for the cupcakes:
Box of cake mix and ingredients listed on box
1 box of instant pudding (same flavor as the cake mix)
1 can of frosting any flavor
1 block of cream cheese
1 box of instant pudding (same flavor as frosting)

So, I found this idea on Pinterest (where I find most of my ideas these days) and decided to give it a shot. I was super excited about this and then found this new "idea" wasn't so new and lots of people I know had already tried it. Oh well, it was new to me and I couldn't wait to see how it worked out!
I had a pretty busy weekend planned so decided to take a shortcut and use box cake mix (well, I had a busy weekend and had a few boxes of cake mix I needed to find a use for) and a canned container of frosting.  I usually like to put my own spin on things even if they are out of a box or a can so, I took a box of instant pudding I had on hand and blended that into the cake mix, and frosting as well as a block of cream cheese ( I added to the frosting only)  It all seemed to work out!
To start, I used a mini muffin pan to place the cones in and piped in the batter created from the cake mix. I filled the cones about 3/4 full ( I think you can go a smidgen less as a few baked over a bit)
For baking I followed the directions on on the box but it took a little longer. I used a toohthpick to test every 5 minutes after the baking time specified.

Once I had the cones done

I let them cool ( I left them overnight)

Then, it was time to frost!

So, I took the can of frosting, box of pudding mix and a block of cream cheese.


I used a Wliton 2D tip to pipe the frosting onto the cupcakes ( I must say I didn't have a perfect method or something fancy.) I started from the outside and worked my way in trying to make it look like soft serve).

I topped with sprinkles but you can dress them up any way you want.

Finished product:

Cute huh!?

Happy Baking!

1 comment:

  1. These were so Yummy! Thanks for bringing them in when I was up in Burlington!
